In the aftermath of the 2024 presidential election, a seismic shift is occurring in social media. Bluesky, once a modest Twitter-funded experiment, has exploded into the fastest-growing social network of 2024. With over 18 million users and growing by approximately 10,000 every 10-15 minutes, the platform has become the digital refuge for those seeking an […]
The WordPress ecosystem has been rocked by an unprecedented conflict between two of its major players: Automattic and WP Engine. What began as criticism at WordCamp US 2024 has escalated into a complex legal and technical battle that threatens to reshape WordPress. According to CSS-Tricks’ coverage, the dispute publicly ignited when Matt Mullenweg, WordPress co-founder […]
The 2023 Supreme Court decision against affirmative action has sparked legal challenges against diversity and inclusion (DEI) programs, including those run by iFundWomen and Fearless Fund. Fearless Fund, which supports women of color, was sued by the American Alliance for Equal Rights (AAER), resulting in the suspension and settlement of a grant program for Black […]
The best article on Google indexing for 2024.
Using cloud storage and serving it through a custom domain (like can indeed affect how visitor data is captured…
If you’re encountering a significant discrepancy between the visitor statistics reported…
In a Bitnami WordPress instance on AWS Lightsail, you typically configure PHP settings in the php.ini file…
The server cannot process the image. This can happen if the server is busy or does not have enough resources…
Configure Amazon SES for transactional emails from your website, while keeping Google Workspace as the primary email client.
It’s quite common for admin-ajax.php URLs from WordPress sites to appear in Google Webmaster Tools (now known as Google Search Console).